Shard’s Edge

I will always be in a place of working on me, I believe that is a basis for constantly wanting to go to greater heights of unknown origin(s). My cage is rusty and has broken bits of shard metal bits. It’s okay though. It’s okay that I am rough around the edges and still have work to do, there are still points of entry where the light can get in.

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That’s How the Light Gets In

Vulnerability, it taps into the places of our beings. It’s where our truth lives, and it’s where the essence of our humanness resides. As we get older we often find ourselves further away from the ability to expose ourselves in complete raw openness. It’s not that we never had the ability to be a book […]

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Being of Light

There is a light within you. At times it illuminates your being and radiates like a thousand blazing suns. On occasion it sits quietly and offers whispers in the dark so you are not alone. This light is yours and yours alone. How you feed it, and how you choose to ignite it is only […]

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Why Walk When You Can Fly?

We often find ourselves standing on a precipice overlooking all of the things that present us with potential happiness and all of the things that present us with potential vulnerability coated in fear. More often than not the things that manifest under both of these rooted trees are the same. Why is it that we […]

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